Since the City Council in the District of Calamity has nothing better to do, Councilman David Grosso (I-At Large DC) has proposed a non-binding resolution to prompt the Washington NFL franchise to change its name from the “Redskins” because Grosso finds it racist and offensive. The councilman claims that a majority of DC City Council will support the resolution. The politically correct clamor from the DC City Council is meant to bolster efforts by aboriginal American groups who are suing to deny the football franchise from keeping trademark protection for their famous Redskins moniker.
Grosso proffered his solution to change the name of the team to the Redtails. Grosso observes that : “You can still sing the song and can still keep the feather.” How generous! This solicitous solution sounds as weak as changing the Washington Bullets to the Wizards.
While the Clash sang about Washington Bullets referring to weapons, the Washington Bullets name derived from a shoe manufacturer. The American Basketball League Baltimore Bullets were named after Bata Bullets athletic shoes named near Baltimore. Washington kept the name Bullets of the NBA franchise from 1973 when the team moved to DC until 1995 when owner Abe Pollin wanted to change the name after the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzah Rabin. While there was a contest to narrow the name list and the Wizards moniker was chosen. But that was the free market working by a capitalist choosing to rebrand to suit himself. Now it seems that politically correct politicians and attention seeking pressure groups want to dictate how private companies can market themselves. No wonder why DC can be considered the District of Calamity (sic). What is remarkable about this politically correct pogrom is that a prominent community leader took a stand against social tyranny. Robert Griffin, Jr (a.k.a. RGIII), the first year Washington starting quarterback who lead his team from the wilderness into the NFL playoffs dared to speak his mind and buck the PC powers that be. RGIII tweeted “In the land of political freedom, we are held hostage by the tyranny of political correctness.” It did not take long for RGIII’s Twitter statement of independence to draw fire from those who would otherwise champion diversity (as long it conforms to their mores).
It seems that the ‘Skin’s star quarterback is not only agile and inspirational but also courageous. But now the ire of liberal sports writers will be waiting to heckle him. RGIII may be treated slightly better than dog killer Michael Vick before he was convicted. However, if RGIII stumbles in his comeback from season ending knee surgery, he might be considered like a PC sports pariah ala Tim Tebow. h/t: The Blaze WAMU.
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