Casual political observers may have the impression that the 2008 Democrat Presidential Primaries were a cakewalk for then Illinois Senator Barack Obama (D-IL). But in all actuality, the race for delegates was close until the later contests in April. In sharp contrast, the Republican race had been all but settled in late January, when Senator John McCain (R-AZ) became the presumptive GOP nominee.
In some respects, this cross-over tactic is nothing new, but usually this is a sub rosa dirty trick instigated by partisans of a campaign. Limbaugh’s Operation Chaos was exceptional for being overt and not directly helping the eventual opposition (namely McCain).
So it is stunning to hear Jon Huntsman so blithely reveal that his primary Presidential campaign strategy is to appeal to non-Republicans. Huntsman is wisely skipping the Iowa Caucuses, which requires costly organization and Huntsman would have a tough time appealing to conservative evangelicals who are motivated to participate. Huntsman thinks that he can go head to head with Romney in New Hampshire, and he is banking on having a large cross over constituency with registered Independents. If Huntsman can catch Granite State momentum, he hopes to score in South Carolina, with crossover Democrats who do not have a primary contest. Finally, Huntsman hopes to wrap it up in Florida, where he has based his campaign.
There is some question as to Huntsman’s motivations for running. Huntsman refuses to criticize President Barack Obama, his former boss, by name. Huntsman’s gushing letter citing Obama as an extraordinary leader raises real questions about his candidacy.
Granted, Huntsman’s Obama admiring, accommodation on illegal immigration, climate change supporter, pro-civil union stance and serving as Ambassador to China in the Obama Administration will lend credence to the impression that he is a RINO. But Huntsman can’t be the Manchurian Candidate, since Raymond Shaw was an interesting character.
While Huntsman’s moderate policy positions are not personally appealing, it is commendable to have another choice for the Republican nomination. But by basing his primary campaign support on cross-over support, Huntsman is enshrining a sure fire way to alienate the base, which ought to be crawling over broken glass to get to the polls to unseat Obama in November, 2012.
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