05 November 2010

Connecticut Compromised in Gubernatorial Election

There has been chaos in counting and announcing the winner of the Connecticut gubernatorial contest. The day after the midterm elections, the AP declared Stamford Mayor  Dan Malloy (D-CT) the winner of Connecticut’s gubernatorial election by a margin of 3,000 votes over Republican nominee Tom Foley.   This press pronouncement was despite objections to by the Republican Governors Association about the number of photocopied ballots used due to a shortage of ballots in Bridgeport and keeping the polls open late.  AP quickly retracted when official counts with 98% of the precincts reporting had Foley ahead by 8,500 votes.

The Connecticut Secretary of State has refused to declare a winner after two days waiting for additional results from Bridgeport (an urban area that would lean for the Democrats).  Now there is documentary evidence of from a poll watcher showing the mixing of official and unofficial ballots along with giving voters multiple ballots or properly checking Ids.

Amazingly enough, the Bridgeport vote was able to overcome Foley’s 8,500 vote lead . Now it seems that Malloy is winning by 5,465 votes.  The results were announced at 6:20 am Friday after election workers counted throughout the night.  It seems to me that the Governor’s race in Connecticut has been compromised, which cost the Republicans another Governor’s race.

UPDATE 11/05  Tom Foley is unwilling to concede the race at this time and is contemplating a court challenge.  The only thing Foley concedes is that Connecticut is being laughed at nationwide.

UPDATE 11/08  Despite calls from the Connecticut GOP to investigate irregularities in the gubernatorial election, Republican nominee Tom Foley conceded his race to Democrat Dan Malloy.  Foley thought that things were chaotic due to the shortage at Bridgeport voting stations so they used photocopied ballots, he did it was a good faith solution which he would not protest.

This plants an acorn to grow voter fraud for the future, especially in Blue states.

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